Soliloquy Blog
WordPress slider tips, Tutorials and Resources.
WordPress slider tips, Tutorials and Resources.
Are you looking for a WordPress slider to display your Instagram images? Soliloquy allows you to dynamically create sliders based on your Instagram photos, likes, and even photos with specific tags. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an Instagram photo slider in WordPress. Step 1. Install Soliloquy Step 2. Install and […]
Do you want to change your WordPress slider’s transition effects? Each panel can scroll into view with a unique, eye-catching animation. With Soliloquy, we’ve made it easy for you to get the look you want. In this tutorial, we will show you how to add custom transition effects in your WordPress slider. Just follow these […]
Do you want your mobile slider to look different from the desktop version? Soliloquy allows you to customize its mobile appearance and change things like size or whether certain plugins appear. That way, you can have full control over what your mobile and desktop users see when they visit your website! To create a different mobile […]
Do you want to create sliders different from the default size? Sometimes you’ll want a tiny slider in your sidebar, or maybe a big fullscreen carousel that spans the width of the screen! To accomplish this, you’re going to need to change your slider size. Soliloquy has this feature built-in and easy to access. Let’s […]
Do you want to make sure your image sliders are accessible? Accessibility is always an important factor to remember when building a website, and sliders aren’t exempt from this rule. Are you wondering if Soliloquy sliders are accessibility-friendly? The answer is yes! If you’re worried about your users or your SEO score being damaged if […]
Do you want to change the transition speed of your slider? Soliloquy comes with quite a few options that will let you customize your carousels, down to the transition speed in milliseconds. If you’ve noticed your sliders transitioning too quickly or slowly, we’ll show you how to change this small but important feature! To change […]