Soliloquy Blog
WordPress slider tips, Tutorials and Resources.
WordPress slider tips, Tutorials and Resources.
Do you want to add an image slider to your website? Image sliders are a great way to display photos or featured content on your site. In this article, we will share how to create an image slider in WordPress. To create and configure an image slider in WordPress, you’ll need to follow these 10 […]
Do you want to enable Soliloquy’s various addons? Depending on what type of license you purchased for Soliloquy, you’ll have access to some or all of the dozens of addons Soliloquy has to offer. To use them in your sliders, you’ll need to enable them. It’s easy! Just follow this tutorial and you’ll be using […]
If you’ve been reading about Soliloquy or browsing the blog, you might have asked yourself this question: What are carousel sliders? What’s the difference between a slider and a carousel? And when should you use the Carousel Addon instead of just making a normal slider? Let’s answer these questions so you can create the slider […]
Do you want to use Soliloquy alongside other plugins? Soliloquy sliders are compatible with basically any plugin that uses shortcodes to display something. Want a form, a button, or another element inside your slider? It’s doable, easy! Follow this guide to learn how to insert shortcodes into your slider, and a few suggestions of compatible […]
Looking for plugins that go great with Soliloquy sliders? You might think there’s not a lot to combine with a slider plugin, but you’d be wrong! With the right plugins, you can do all sorts of cool things! Embed forms, buttons, and other elements into your slider Create e-commerce product galleries Speed up your site […]
Soliloquy comes with a variety of useful slider addons you can use to spice up your carousels. Do you want to know how to configure them? From dynamic and Instagram sliders to thumbnails and lightboxes, there’s a lot to take in. If you find yourself confused by all the checkboxes, this guide will walk you through […]