Soliloquy Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Soliloquy

Featured Content Addon

The Featured Content Addon for Soliloquy allows you to easily create sliders from any category or tag on any post type in WordPress! We’ll walk you through how to set up a Featured Content slider!



Please follow our instructions on how to install and activate addons.

In this instance, you’ll be activating the Soliloquy Featured Content Addon.


Your first step is to create a new slider. You can do this by clicking Add New under the Soliloquy menu option on the left.

Create a new slider

Next, click the External Slider tab from inside the Soliloquy and select the Featured Content icon.

Select the External tab and choose Featured Content icon

On the Slider tab you’ll see a list of options to choose from to set up your slider.

Don’t be intimidated by the list of options there. Simply choose the post type, taxonomy terms (your categories and tags), how many posts you want to show and if you’d like to link the title to the post (as well as the image) and any content from the post.

Select your options for your Featured Content slider

Finally, click Publish on your slider to save the changes.

See the demo!

There are other sliders from the External tab you can great as well. Have a look at our tutorial on How to create an Instagram slider.

A: Edit your posts to make sure you’ve set a featured image. Soliloquy will use the featured image of the post type first before checking for a fallback image from the slider settings.

If you’re not using featured images, just edit the slider and set a Fallback Image URL setting from the Slider tab.

Set a fallback image for your Featured Content slider if you're not using post Featured Images

A: From the Slider tab, make sure if you’ve selected Excerpt from the dropdown, you’ve got an excerpt for your post type.

Make sure if you've selected to show the Excerpt that the post has an excerpt completed

A: When you created the Featured Content slider, the Number of Slides is set to 5 by default. If you’d like to show more, just edit the slider and on the Slider tab, scroll down until you see the Number of Slides setting to change the number of slides to show.

Increase or decrease the Number of Slides to control how many posts show on your Featured Content slider


2.4.8 (06-06-2024)

  • Fixed: Enhanced HTML caption for slides

2.4.7 (05-03-2024)

  • Fixes: Warning for PHP 8.1

2.4.6 (04-14-2022)

  • Fixes: PHP Notices

2.4.5 (10-24-2019)

  • Fix: Exclude Post for Stickies only
  • Fix: Minor Bug Fixes

2.4.4 (2016-10-23)

  • Fix: Cases where output as html was still being stripped
  • Fix: Cases where post excerpt was causing the sliders to be closed early

2.4.3 (2016-10-19)

  • Fix: Missing Div tag

2.4.2 (2016-08-31)

  • Added: Option to disable caching
  • Fix: various minor bugs

2.4.1 (2016-06-30)

  • Image Fallback now has upload button

2.4.0 (2016-06-21)

  • UI Refresh

2.3.6 (2016-03-23)

  • Fix: PHP Notice Undefined Index

2.3.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Added: Filter to prevet query caching

2.3.4 (2016-01-21)

  • Added: Option to only display sticky posts in a slider
  • Added: Option to disable post classes

2.3.3 (2015-10-22)

  • Added: $post parameter to soliloquy_fc_image
  • Added: Post and Taxonomy Term classes to each slide

2.3.2 (2015-08-06)

  • Fix: Moved publish_post and publish_future_post hooks into includes/global/common.php, so they fire on front end loading of scheduled Posts (in turn, clearing caches more aggressively).

2.3.1 (2015-07-23)

  • Fix: Warning when no sliders found for flushing cache
  • Fix: Compat with Soliloquy to get all sliders with no data and ignore transient data to fully clear FC transients


  • Added: Flush cache on any public Post Type publication or scheduled publication, to ensure new Post(s) appear in FC sliders


  • Fix: Changed second duplicate action name soliloquy_fc_box to soliloquy_fc_content_box for the settings tab
  • Fix: Prevent overwriting slider data configuration on includes/global/shortcode.php::prepare_query(), so filters correctly receive slider data configuration


  • Fix: Changed order of arguments on soliloquy_dynamic_queried_data filter for Dynamic 2.2.1+ compatibility


  • Fixed bug with dynamic addon


  • Added: Taxonomy Relation option to match Posts on all terms or any terms specified
  • Added: Dynamic Addon using Featured Content Slider


  • Added: Option to use HTML or plain text for captions when Post Content selected
  • Fix: Strip shortcodes and images from HTML before getting caption


  • Added: Inclusion / Exclusion supported when more than one post type is selected.
  • Fix: Inclusion / Exclusion Posts and Taxonomies not appearing on dropdown lists.


  • Added: Post Content HTML formatting support


  • Added: Sort by meta key


  • Added: Add sticky posts to start of resultset
  • Fix: Undefined index: fc_post_types


  • Added: Localization support.
  • Fix: Taxonomy could not be chosen when multiple Post Types selected, despite those Post Types sharing the same taxonomy.


  • Fixed bug with getting sliders by slug not working with FC sliders.


  • Fixed bug with random queries and caching.


  • Fixed bug with caches not clearing after publishing a new post that would be included in the slider.
  • Fixed undefined index notices.


  • Fix bug with HTML tags if no content was selected.


  • UI Refreshs for better backwards compat on caption styling.


  • Fixes some UI regressions from v1 to v2.
  • Featured content captions are now wrapped in the appropriate soliloquy-fc-caption class again.


  • Fixed a regression with caption output by wrapping caption content in backwards compat class.


  • Fixed bug (finally) with clearing out transient cache for FC sliders.


  • Fixed bug with grabbing wrong image size if using custom size in Config settings.
  • Fixed caching bug when publishing/updating new posts.



  • Reintroduced the query and include/exclude option for featured content sliders.


  • Fixed bug with not saving read more text.
  • Fixed bug with PHP warning for errant parameter in function call.


  • Say hello to version 2.0!