Soliloquy Blog
WordPress slider tips, Tutorials and Resources.
WordPress slider tips, Tutorials and Resources.
Should you remove navigation controls on a slider, or keep them? This question is more important than you might think. A slider without obvious navigation controls can be an aesthetic addition to your website — or an annoyance for visitors. There are times when both are appropriate choices. Use a slider with no navigation for […]
Looking for plugins that go great with Soliloquy sliders? You might think there’s not a lot to combine with a slider plugin, but you’d be wrong! With the right plugins, you can do all sorts of cool things! Embed forms, buttons, and other elements into your slider Create e-commerce product galleries Speed up your site […]
Do you want to add some CSS styling to a Soliloquy slider? While Soliloquy’s simple tick boxes and settings are suitable for most things, you might want to do some extra tweaking. While you can edit all your sliders globally with your theme’s style.css file, the CSS addon allows you to tweak individual sliders! The […]
Do you want to see some fantastic examples of sliders with an illustrated theme? Sometimes you want your website to reflect your business a bit more personally, and a slider with illustrations might just be the perfect touch. Including illustrations can be a great idea for a variety of reasons! Illustrations add a personal touch […]
What puts more pep in your website than a fun animation? And with a slider, you have a chance to turn that simple horizontal scroll effect into something all your visitors will remember. There’s a lot of reasons to add animations to a slider. Give your site some extra personality Draw the eye to important […]
Want to see some of the prettiest, brightest, and most eye-grabbing sliders on the internet? Depending on the type of site you run, you may want to consider adding a colorful slider to your website! Here’s a few examples. Your website has a lively, upbeat theme. You run a website for children, toys, etc. You […]